Toward the end of the Vietnam war, my JW brother in law was drafted and given a 2 year sentence (1972-1974) doing community service as a boys basketball coach 2 nights a week at the local Boy's Club which he thoroughly enjoyed. (Ironically, us Witness kids weren't allowed to join the Boy's Club)
It's also more than ironic that you as a JW spent 2 years in Federal Prison and he stayed home, kept his job, got married and played basketball and was considered by his peers, to be "taking a stand for true worship".
Wasn't Jehovah's spirit directed organization supposed to be globally unified? Apparently the definition of "taking ones stand for true worship" depended upon where you lived and if your father was an Elder.
All these years later, none of it matters and no one even remembers. To current JW's, none of the good works you did in the past, count anymore. It's quite sickening to think of the years and opportunities wasted because of being a JW. I can't imagine having a stint in Federal Prison to add to the list.
Sorry this happen to you....glad you're were able to chronicle your experiences on this forum and in your other writings.